Digilog Sound & Image
Audio Mastering Since 1995
Services & Rates
Audio Mastering
$199 per original Track, $49 for alternative tracks, i.e. instrumental or clean. Vinyl alternative Masters and DDP files sets for CDs are usually considered unique file types.
Restoration is very dependent on length & type/quality of original medium. We charge $199 per track, or $199 per hr. for non music content. We usually stop billing after the 3rd hour.
Express Audio Mastering
Sometimes you need your stuff now. Express turn around time is 48 hours. Please contact us for availability. Express rates are $299 per original track, and $99 per alternative track
These organizations have arranged a 50% for its members. University of the Arts, Weathervane Music, Northeast Regional Folk Alliance, & The Philadelphia Folk Song Society
Mastering for Film / Video
Sound for Video is track length dependent. Up to 5 min is $199 per track, and $ 49 per alternative tracks. Contact us for longer content or full length film production.
If you represent or a member of a non profit (reg 501c3 or foreign equiv) please contact us to apply for a 50% philanthropic grant towards audio mastering services
Like what you see? Get in touch to learn more.